Tobago, from a South African township: ‘I went with my daughter, it was like a dream come true, it was so relaxing, so breath taking, the music was awesome’ Jayne, from South Africa: ‘We are all here on the Movement Medicine dance floor as Africans’
artwork by Kristin Glenewinkel
The Movement Medicine Sponsorship Fund supports:
- Individuals to participate in Movement Medicine workshops, training, events, or classes.
- Teachers and facilitators to develop and sustain Movement Medicine projects with economically and socially excluded people.
- Research aimed at providing an evidence base of the beneficial impact of Movement Medicine.
What do we mean by ‘Economically and socially excluded people’? We mean people who belong to a vulnerable group in society or who face challenging long term situations which impact substantially on their economic opportunities. Such as:
- People affected economically and socially by trauma e.g.: sexual violence, torture or childhood abuse.
- People suffering from a chronic health condition, such as a mental illness or people recovering from substance addiction.
- People who belong to a group which is discriminated against.
‘I can shift things by moving with them, rather than by just closing down, dumbing down, suppressing everything with drugs, it’s better to move with everything and shift’.
What do we mean by ‘poverty, post disaster or conflict zones?’ We mean people living in areas, worldwide, which are economically deprived, or who are exposed to natural or man-made disaster, civil conflict, war or political suppression. Such as:
- People living in areas of chronic disadvantage and poverty, such as townships, refugee camps, favelas.
- People living in areas in western countries such as rural areas, or inner city/suburb areas where there is a high level of unemployment and economic and social deprivation.
- People living in conflict zones such as Palestine.
‘I am interested in working in prisons and with youth at risk’ – Clive, MM Teacher.
We have already supported teachers to go to Palestine to give Movement Medicine workshops, and then we have supported people from Palestine to study to become teachers themselves. We have supported people from South Africa in their training as Movement Medicine teachers, who have in turn provided free places in their classes for their poorer neighbours. We have supported recovering addicts to attend workshops and ongoing groups and hope to be able to continue to support them to become teachers if they wish. There are Movement Medicine teachers all across Europe, in Israel, Australia and in South Africa and we would like to support all of them to reach into disadvantaged communities.
'Like a drink or a drug changed the way I feel, well, the dance changes the way I feel also. When I say “change” I don’t mean to exchange or substitute the dance for narcotics, not hide within the dance, I mean TRUE change.' – Colin from England
If you would like to support the Movement Medicine Sponsorship Fund, please donate
Thank you!